Liberdade Virtual | Virtual Freedom | 2014

exhibitions | exposições

“Liberdade virtual”, Virada Cultural, SESC Vila Mariana São Paulo, SP, 2014.

“Virtual Freedom”, Virada Cultural, SESC Vila Mariana São Paulo, SP, 2014.

“Liberdade virtual”, Virada Cultural, SESC Vila Mariana São Paulo, SP, 2014.

“Virtual Freedom”, Virada Cultural, SESC Vila Mariana São Paulo, SP, 2014.

Virtual Freedom

Projected on top of the Submersion panel, Virtual Freedom is a video that shows round large images (8m x 10m) where cloistered children shown inside submerged bubbles, are free, virtually loose and interacting with the bubbles of the big panel. At first moments they are playing but after some minutes they start destroying them. In Virtual Freedom, presented at Virada Cultural 2014, the children are released from the submersion proposed in the big printed panel. Now they, loose, float and transit over the image and also through the walls of the buildings in the SESC Vila Mariana square. (The Submersion panel is a 427-square-meter image that shows children playing, however, paradoxically, trapped in submerged bubbles. They play at the bottom of the pool, naturally as if it were their habitat.)

Liberdade Virtual

Projetado no topo do painel de Submersão, Liberdade Virtual são vídeos projetados que mostram imagens grandes e arredondadas (8m x 10m) onde crianças enclausuradas dentro de bolhas submersas estão livres, estão virtualmente soltas e interagindo com as bolhas do grande painel. Nos primeiros momentos elas estão brincando e depois de alguns minutos eles começam a destruí-las. Em Liberdade Virtual, apresentado na Virada Cultural 2014, as crianças são liberadas da submersão proposta no grande painel. Agora, soltos, flutuam e transitam pela imagem impressa e também pelas paredes dos prédios da praça no SESC Vila Mariana. (O painel de Submersão é uma imagem de 427 metros quadrados que mostra crianças brincando, no entanto, paradoxalmente, presas em bolhas submersas. Elas brincam no fundo da piscina, naturalmente como se fosse seu habitat.)

Virtual Freedom

Projected on top of the Submersion panel, Virtual Freedom is a video that shows round large images (8m x 10m) where cloistered children shown inside submerged bubbles, are free, virtually loose and interacting with the bubbles of the big panel. At first moments they are playing but after some minutes they start destroying them. In Virtual Freedom, presented at Virada Cultural 2014, the children are released from the submersion proposed in the big printed panel. Now they, loose, float and transit over the image and also through the walls of the buildings in the SESC Vila Mariana square. (The Submersion panel is a 427-square-meter image that shows children playing, however, paradoxically, trapped in submerged bubbles. They play at the bottom of the pool, naturally as if it were their habitat.)